Friday, January 27, 2012

[OOC] Art of Assassination

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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Art of Assassination"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

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Member for 1 years

I think I'd be interested in reserving one of the people after the assassin. I have a character in mind.

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Member for 2 years

Yeah, I'll reserve the rival for ya.

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Member for 1 years

Thanks, I'll post a profile tomorrow.

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Member for 2 years

Once we get enough people. At least a few more. We can most likely start be tomorrow.

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alright I'll be on closer to the evening tommorrow I have school and I have a date but I'll post right when I get home

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A sixteen-year-old girl has no business being an assassin--its doubtful that a hormonal and developing child could muster the strength to counter the kick of a high-velocity rifle, much less grapple with anyone seriously enough to inflict harm with any sort of blade. Who does she assassinate, the infirm and elderly? Maybe she only goes after those who are comatose?

I guess it takes only a few years to learn the trade of an assassin, huh? Proper care and maintenance of weapons, the art of stealth and deception, not to mention getting around that little thing called the law, and those professional people who are trained and paid to prevent people from being assassinated with any regularity. This girl's got some pretty effed-up parents if they are merely 'not happy' with the state of things.

Protect and Serve

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Greetings. My name is Zero.

Now, I am about to make an unusual request, and I shall not be unhappy if it is not fulfilled.

I would very much like to join this roleplay. It has been some time since I have been in an assassin roleplay, and I have an ideal character for one (he actually happens to be the protagonist of a novel I am writing). Although he is not an assassin himself; he is rather an extremely proficient vigilante serial killer, although his methods greatly resemble those of an assassin.

However, there is a slight... issue in my joining of this roleplay.

You see, I am without a computer.

My laptop recently got rained on (LONG - and extremely entertaining - story there), and thus, I cannot post with any form of regularity. I am presently writing from my father's laptop, which I have temporarily... appropriated... for my use to post on my few remaining roleplays, but I am certainly unable to join in on a full-on roleplay like this.

Therefore, my request is thusly: I wish to reserve a slot (either someone who is pursuing Gracie, or a schoolmate - either can work) for my character. I inform you that even if I somehow post my character (which I may do) in the near future, I will be unable to join the roleplay for some time, possibly over two weeks.

My case is as follows: I am a skilled writer, as you can see from my previous roleplays, and as you can surely see from this post, I have an extremely good grasp of the english language, not to mention impeccable grammar (at least, I believe so - correct me if there are any mistakes in this post). When I am able to do so, I tend to post with regularity, and my posts are usually quite long.

I do not expect to be given a slot in this roleplay, but I saw fit to ask anyway.


- Zero

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Zero Reaper
Member for 1 years

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