Monday, April 22, 2013

Teach English Online and Secure Your Economic Freedom Today

Teach English Online and secure your economic freedom today and avoid shrinking school budgets and teacher layoffs that have had such a devastating affect on thousands of teachers in the US and elsewhere around the world.

All too often teachers unable to find regular employment find themselves taking substitute positions, working as after school caregivers, or even working entirely outside their field.

The ever present threat of layoffs and mounting student loans can also have many teachers feeling worried. In recent times a large number of new graduates have been forced to start work doing food service jobs or part-time positions to make ends meet. Advanced degrees often don't provide much protection either; you can be laid off even if you have a PhD or if you've been teaching for decades. It's a terrible situation for anyone who genuinely wants to teach.

But wait, there is a solution that is practical for all qualified teachers - teaching English online. By teaching English to students via the Internet you can get the benefit of online teaching even if you are still a classroom teacher. Part-time or full-time work is readily available at a rate of between $30 and $60 per hour.

If you love teaching and want to share your knowledge, but are having a hard time getting a good job in this difficult economy, it might be time to look into the benefits associated with online teaching. The increasing availability of high speed Internet access all over the world means that many people in China, India, Russia and hundreds of other countries are looking for qualified teachers to help them learn one of the most-used languages in the world. By signing up for one of these ESL jobs, you can help them while using your hard-won teaching skills.

When you teach English online, you not only secure your economic freedom, but you provide important knowledge to people who need it, all without having to set foot in an ordinary classroom. Online teaching gives you the ability to interact with your students in real time, earn a living wage, and set your own schedule.

Just ponder the advantages for a while. No matter whether you are an experienced teacher who is temporarily out of work in your field or you are brand new to teaching, you can benefit from teaching English via the Internet. When you teach English online, it's impossible to be laid off due to budget cuts. You have the ability to choose the students you feel would benefit most from your expertise, and you can travel or arrange your schedule however you please. Plus, since most of your work comes from other parts of the world, recession conditions in your immediate area can't hurt your income.

If you have a laptop or desktop computer and access to a broadband Internet connection, you're ready to teach English online and change your life. You'll help students across the world learn a language that's vital to modern business negotiations, all the while avoiding administrative hassles and ever-changing school board regulations. Instead of having to jump through hoops to give your students what they need, you'll have direct access via online teaching.

If you're ready to teach willing, eager students from any location without the interference of administrators, it's time to check out online English teaching jobs. After all, you were trained to teach. Don't let bad economic conditions and misguided administrators keep you from pursuing your calling. Teach English online and secure your economic freedom today.

If you are a teacher who wants an easier way to make a living than standing in front of a traditional classroom day after day, year after year, maybe it is time to consider the merits of online teaching. With your ESL qualifications you can tap into a vast market of businesspeople desperate to learn English. For more about teaching online go to


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