Friday, February 17, 2012 ? The Severe Consequences of Childhood Obesity

A Growing Epidemic ? Obesity In Teenagers And Children

It wasn?t all that long ago that obesity and all of its related problems were solely the problems of grown-ups. In the US, things have changed for the worse in the past few decades. In addition to having more overweight adults than ever, kids and teens are developing this condition earlier and earlier in life. In terms of children, the most influential and obvious people for them to learn from are their parents but standard education as well as raising awareness are important too. It is, however, the parents who must offer guidance and act as positive role models. Obese kids are staring down the barrel of a plethora of physical and behavioral health problems. After that there are dangerous risk factors that will have the opportunity and ability to suffer later in life. For kids, this is an awful one-two punch that is almost impossible to beat back and get over.

The particular medical conditions that any young person, child or teen who is obese will experience can be highly variable. There are a lot of different influences, some of which might be genetic. Kids who are severely obese are more likely to develop issues that affect their bones and joints. Very often problems associated with the load-bearing joints will arise. The skeletal stress will occur in the hips, knees, ankles and feet. Typically the kids will experience joint pain in their backs as well as constant low but steady pressure filled swelling around all of their joints. Kids and teens are very commonly diagnosed with arthritis as well. organizational development masters is an area that is just loaded with helpful details, as you just have read. Take a look at what is happening on your end, and that may help you to perfect what you need. There are always some things that will have more of an effect than others. The best strategy is to try to envision the effects each point could have on you. The latter half of our talk will center on a few highly relevant issues as they concern your possible situation.

Almost everybody who suffers from obesity will also suffer from a wide variety of psychological issues too. When it seems like all of the kids in your class abuse you every day, that will cause serious stress, anxiety, low self esteem, poor to zero self confidence and maybe even hatred toward self or others. All of these are silent problems that many obese kids and teens try to deal with all alone. If the situation is allowed to go on long enough the person dealing with it could even develop sociopathic behaviors. There is no real data about how many obese high school students who then go on to college. Our guess is that the number is relatively small and that there are quite a lot more obese high school kids than college kids. Who can blame them, though, when they may be thinking about four more years of torture and abuse.

The socialization and individuality and personality development process speeds up during the teen years. The development of a teen?s body image is especially critical as well. An obese teen is going to have a hard time developing normally as far as these things are concerned. This means that when the teen leaves high school he or she will be at severe developmental disadvantages. Being able to normally compete and succeed is not something that is going to be possible for most of these kids.

It is very important for kids who are suffering from obesity to find a trusted and qualified adult to talk to about their weight conditions. You should become educated about the causes of your condition. Thankfully, there is something real that you can do about it; after all, you?re never too late to try to get back to good health. The nice Dorinda B Defonce is a phenomenal author.


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