Thursday, August 30, 2012

Surprisingly bright superbubble in nearby nebula

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? A new composite image shows a superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located about 160,000 light years from Earth. Many new stars, some of them very massive, are forming in the star cluster NGC 1929, which is embedded in the nebula N44.

The massive stars produce intense radiation, expel matter at high speeds, and race through their evolution to explode as supernovas. The winds and supernova shock waves carve out huge cavities called superbubbles in the surrounding gas. X-rays from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue) show hot regions created by these winds and shocks, while infrared data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (red) outline where the dust and cooler gas are found. The optical light from the 2.2m Max-Planck-ESO telescope (yellow) in Chile shows where ultraviolet radiation from hot, young stars is causing gas in the nebula to glow.

A long-running problem in high-energy astrophysics has been that some superbubbles in the LMC, including N44, give off a lot more X-rays than expected from models of their structure. A Chandra study published in 2011 showed that there are two extra sources of the bright X-ray emission: supernova shock waves striking the walls of the cavities, and hot material evaporating from the cavity walls. The observations show no evidence for an enhancement of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium in the cavities, thus ruling out this possibility as an explanation for the bright X-ray emission. T

his is the first time that the data have been good enough to distinguish between different sources of the X-rays produced by superbubbles.

The Chandra study of N44 and another superbubble in the LMC was led by Anne Jaskot from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The co-authors were Dave Strickland from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, Sally Oey from University of Michigan, You-Hua Chu from University of Illinois and Guillermo Garcia-Segura from Instituto de Astronomia-UNAM in Ensenada, Mexico.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Americans' confidence falls off in Aug

In this Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012, photo, a cashier rings up a sale at a Target store in Chicago on Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. A private research group says that consumer confidence unexpectedly fell in August to the lowest level since November 2011, as Americans' outlook about jobs flared up. The New York-based Conference Board said Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, that its Consumer Confidence Index fell to 60.6, down from a revised 65.4 in July. Economists had expected a reading of 66. The index now stands at the lowest point since November 2011 when the reading was at 55.2. (AP Photo/Sitthixay Ditthavong)

In this Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012, photo, a cashier rings up a sale at a Target store in Chicago on Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. A private research group says that consumer confidence unexpectedly fell in August to the lowest level since November 2011, as Americans' outlook about jobs flared up. The New York-based Conference Board said Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, that its Consumer Confidence Index fell to 60.6, down from a revised 65.4 in July. Economists had expected a reading of 66. The index now stands at the lowest point since November 2011 when the reading was at 55.2. (AP Photo/Sitthixay Ditthavong)

In this Tuesday, July 10, 2012, photo, shoppers look for merchandise in Boston. A private research group says that consumer confidence unexpectedly fell in August to the lowest level since November 2011, as Americans' outlook about jobs flared up. The New York-based Conference Board said Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, that its Consumer Confidence Index fell to 60.6, down from a revised 65.4 in July. Economists had expected a reading of 66. The index now stands at the lowest point since November 2011 when the reading was at 55.2. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

(AP) ? Americans are feeling worse about the economy than they have in a long time.

Despite an improving U.S. job and housing markets, consumer confidence fell to the lowest level it's been since November 2011. The results are the latest swing in the index, which has been on a rollercoaster.

This year, the index declined in January, rose in February and then posted four months of declines before registering an increase in July. August's reading indicates that the gains in the job and housing markets aren't big enough to put to rest Americans' economic fears, which could have an impact on how they vote in November's presidential election.

Home prices rose in June from the same month last year, the first year-over-year increase since the summer of 2010, according to The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller home price index that was released Tuesday. Additionally, all 20 cities tracked by the index rose in June from May, the second consecutive time in which every city posted month-over-month gains.

The job market also is slowly on the mend. Employers added 163,000 jobs in July, the most since February. Job gains averaged 73,000 jobs a month from April through June. But that's not enough to keep up with a rising population, and the unemployment rate increased to 8.3 percent from 8.2 percent in June.

Most economists say stronger growth is needed to produce enough jobs to lower unemployment ? and make Americans feel better. The economy grew at an annual rate of 1.5 percent from April through June, down from 2 percent in the first quarter and 4.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011.

"Consumers were more apprehensive about business and employment prospects," said Lynn Franco, director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board in a statement.

The Consumer Confidence index, which is based on a survey conducted Aug. 1 to Aug. 16 with about 500 randomly selected people nationwide, underscored that anxiety.

The New York-based Conference Board said Tuesday that its Consumer Confidence Index fell to 60.6, down from a revised 65.4 in July. Economists had expected a reading of 66. The index now stands at the lowest point since November 2011 when the reading was at 55.2.

The index is widely watched because consumer spending accounts for 70 percent of U.S. economic activity. It has remained well below the 90 reading that indicates a healthy economy ? a level it hasn't touched since the recession began in December 2007.

In the latest reading, the percentage of consumers expecting business conditions to improve over the next six months declined to 16.5 percent from 19. Those expecting more jobs in the months ahead declined to 15.4 percent from 17.6 percent, while those expecting fewer jobs rose to 23.4 percent from 20.6 percent.

In addition to worries about jobs and business conditions, Americans' outlook may also be influenced by gas prices. They fell sharply from a peak of $3.94 in early April, but have started to surge again in recent weeks. In fact, gas prices at the pump rose 19 cents to $3.71 during the period that captures the survey. That could put more financial pressure on low and middle income shoppers.

Despite their economic worries, Americans appear to be optimistic about their future earnings potential. According to the index, the proportion of consumers expecting an increase in their incomes improved to 15.7 percent from 14.2 percent.


AP Economics Writer Marty Crutsinger in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Norway Court to decide mass killer Breivik's sanity

OSLO (Reuters) - A Norwegian court delivers its verdict in the ten-week trial of gunman Anders Behring Breivik on Friday, deciding whether to send the anti-Muslim militant to jail or a mental hospital for the massacre of 77 people last summer.

Prosecutors have demanded a verdict of insanity, a fate Breivik called "worse than death", while many of his victims say only a sane person could have carried out such a complex attack. Either way he is likely to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

"He has made it clear that if he is convicted as legally insane, he will appeal the decision," Geir Lippestad, Breivik's defence lawyer, said on Thursday. "If he is convicted as sane, he will accept that."

Breivik detonated a fertilizer bomb outside a government building that included the prime ministerial offices last July, killing eight, then gunned down 69 people, mostly teenagers at the ruling Labour Party's youth camp on Utoeya island.

Guilt had never been a question in the trial as Breivik described in chilling detail how he hunted down his victims, some as young as 14, with a shot to the body then one or more bullets to the head.

The killings shook this nation of five million people which had prided itself as a safe haven from much of the world's troubles, raising questions about the prevalence of far right views as immigration rises.

The trial and a commission of investigation into the country's worst violence since World War Two have kept Breivik on the front pages for the past 13 months and survivors said the verdict would finally bring some closure.

"It has been a tough year... but I don't want to be Utoeya-Nicoline for the rest of my life," said Nicoline Bjerge Schie, a survivor of the shooting.

Whatever the five judges decide, Breivik will be locked up in solitary confinement inside the maximum security Ila prison on the outskirts of Oslo.

If found sane, Breivik will return to his relatively spacious cells, enjoying the comforts of a computer, newspapers and a separate exercise room.

Although the maximum sentence is 21 years, prisoners can be held indefinitely if deemed dangerous and few believe anyone would ever sign Breivik's release papers.

If declared insane, Breivik faces a regime of indefinite mental treatments inside a one-man mental ward set up for him in the prison and would come up for review every three years.

One team of court appointed psychiatrists concluded he was psychotic while another came to the opposite conclusion. To make the ruling more difficult, several other experts who testified described a series of mental conditions Breivik suffered from.

Still, polls show that around 70 percent of Norwegians think such a well-planned attack could not have been the work of a madman and Breivik must take responsibility rather than be dismissed as merely deranged.

Breivik himself argued for a verdict of sanity as he wants the attack to be seen as a political statement rather than an act of lunacy.

If Breivik appeals, he will be granted a new, possibly even longer trial sometime in January.

(Reporting by Balazs Koranyi; Editing by Alistair Scrutton and Giles Elgood)


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Struggling Spanish media loses teeth in economic crisis

MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish news organizations are being forced to cut staff and budgets as advertising revenues plummet, eroding the quality and range of the media at a time when the country is facing its worst economic crisis in a generation.

Media companies across southern Europe are feeling the strain as advertising spending falls in line with collapsing consumer confidence. But only Greece is expected to perform worse than Spain this year.

"For the quality of journalism, these are difficult times," said Carlos Barrera, professor of Modern Spanish Media and Politics at the University of Navarra.

Following Spain's transition to democracy in the late 1970s, dozens of newspapers and broadcasters started up.

Since 2008, 57 outlets have closed and 8,000 journalists have lost their jobs. For the rest of Spain's 40,000 journalists, their average salary has more than halved since the country's boom turned to bust four years ago.

Speculation is mounting that Madrid may have to take the drastic step of seeking a full international bailout to prop up its tottering economy. But even-handed newspaper coverage of such a rescue now looks remote.

"The situation, with this level of unemployment, with effectively fewer media outlets, and this level of uncertainty, means we're losing democracy," said Elsa Gonzalez, President of the Federation of Spanish Journalist Associations (FAPE).

As the centre-right government makes deep cuts to try to drag Spain out of the crisis, a narrower range of media is covering events, leaving the influential left-leaning El Pais newspaper and its sister radio station Cadena Ser as the only large media outlets likely to take a critical stance on the government.

After El Pais, the next two most popular generalist papers, El Mundo and ABC, tend to the right and are more sympathetic towards the increasingly unpopular People's Party.

Spain's only mainstream left-wing newspaper, Publico, cancelled its print edition earlier this year and now only operates online.

In recent months, right-leaning media have stopped using the word "cuts" and use "adjustments" instead.

But with the mainstream press recording a 12.5 percent fall in circulation in the first four months of the year, Spanish newspapers are struggling to make their mark.

Budgets are under pressure and editors increasingly rely on political opinion pieces, news agency copy and celebrity gossip to attract readers and stay in business. Reporters have fewer opportunities to travel to cover stories.

"Everyone's looking for a way to differentiate themselves from the competition, but at the same time, with fewer ways to do that, there's more uniformity," said Barrera.

Three of Spain's four free newspapers, which were popular with a commuters whose numbers are shrinking as unemployment rises, have closed, with only one publishing an online version.

Total advertising spending will fall by 12 percent in Spain this year, according to media agency ZenithOptimedia. That compares to a 10 percent fall in Portugal and a 5 percent dip in Italy, and rises of 1 and 2 percent in France and Germany.

According to consultancy Infoadex, overall Spanish newspaper advertising halved between 2007 and 2011 to 967 million euros ($1.2 billion).

Prisa, the media group which owns El Pais as well as educational publishing and pay-TV operations, lost 61 million euros ($76 million) in the first half of the year, despite growth in Latin America. Ad sales dropped more than 10 percent and now make up 22 percent of revenues from 23.4 percent a year earlier.

Television advertising fell by 16 percent in the first six months of 2012, according to Infoadex, denting the profits of Spain's main broadcasters - Mediaset Espana, part of Silvio Berlusconi's media empire, and Antena 3.

"In terms of print media, you've got a bit of a perfect storm," said Harjinder Singh-Heer, managing director of media analysis firm G2Mi. "On the television side, the story may be a little bit more attractive."

Mediaset and Antena 3 operate a near duopoly with 48 percent audience share and so are well placed to negotiate prices with advertisers if the Spanish economy picks up, he said.

Prices for advertisements on private channels soared after the government halted ads on public channels in 2010, said Jonathan Barnard, head of forecasting at ZenithOptimedia.

If Antena 3 successfully merges with smaller rival La Sexta, the independent broadcasters would be further strengthened.


Spain finds itself in a more difficult situation than its neighbors because the media sector had grown too big since the 1970s. Pre-crisis it was not unusual for provincial cities to have several newspapers and TV stations.

"There was a bubble, there were hundreds of newspapers, advertising couldn't stretch to a crisis," said Bernardo Diaz, director of the journalism department at the University of Malaga.

Total advertising spending in traditional media hit a peak of 8 billion euros ($10 billion) in Spain in 2007. Spain, like other countries, has also been hit by a general shift in consumer habits to access media online, but the severity of its crisis has accelerated and accentuated this process.

Analysts and companies expect the ad market to pick up in Spain next year, but that depends on an improvement in the economy and in consumer confidence, which is unlikely in a country where retail sales have fallen for two years.

ZenithOptimedia said default in two euro zone countries would drag advertising spending in western Europe down 4 percent.

"Everything depends on the evolution of the crisis. It's also about finding new business models," said Diaz.


Spain's public broadcasters don't have it much better than the private stations, sacking staff as the government slashes spending to meet EU budget rules.

The ruling People's Party was criticized for using its parliamentary majority to choose a new head for state broadcaster RTVE.

Since the PP put Leopoldo Gonzalez-Echenique, from hotels group NH, in charge of RTVE in June, several prominent journalists and the head of news have been forced out.

The dismissal of popular news presenter Ana Pastor, admired for her tough interviewing technique, has particularly stirred up controversy.

Pastor, presenter of RTVE's flagship breakfast show, was offered another programme, the station said. Pastor disagreed.

"Whatever they say ... I know they got rid of me for doing journalism," she said on Twitter.

The government has cut its budget for RTVE by 37 percent this year. News agency EFE, in which the government holds a majority stake, is also floundering as sales in the Spanish market and its government funding fall, leading to lay-offs.

"Drowning public media like RTVE and EFE will reduce the quality of information and therefore democracy," said FAPE's Gonzalez. ($1 = 0.8132 euros)

(Additional reporting by Borja Gonzalez; Editing by Fiona Ortiz and Giles Elgood)


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

China court gives Gu suspended death sentence for murder

A Chinese court on Monday handed the wife of disgraced political leader Bo Xilai a suspended death sentence for murder in a case that has rocked the Communist party ahead of a 10-yearly power handover.

Gu Kailai was found guilty of murdering British businessman Neil Heywood, a crime she had confessed to, and given the death penalty with two years' reprieve, court official Tang Yigan told reporters after a brief hearing.

Zhang Xiaojun, an employee of the Bo family charged with helping Gu to poison Heywood, was found guilty and sentenced to nine years in jail while four police officers were convicted of attempting to cover up the murder.

Tang said the court had suspended Gu's death sentence because she suffered from psychological problems, and because Heywood had threatened her son, but he gave no indication of how long she would serve.

Suspended death sentences are typically commuted to life in prison in China, although the amount of time served varies.

The law states that a death sentence for murder cannot be commuted to less than 20 years in jail, but legal experts say there have been cases where the courts have ordered shorter sentences.

Pictured on state television, her hair short and wearing a plain white shirt and black jacket, Gu told the court she accepted the outcome, which "reflects particular respect to the law, the truth and life".

Gu confessed during her trial earlier this month in the eastern Chinese city of Hefei to killing 41-year-old Heywood by pouring poison down his throat, saying that he had threatened her son after a business deal went sour.

The case brought down her husband Bo, a charismatic but divisive politician, and exposed deep divisions in the ruling Communist party before a generational handover of power due to start later this year.

Bo had been tipped for promotion to the elite group of party leaders that effectively rules China until the allegations against his wife burst into the open, but is now under investigation for corruption.

Britain said it welcomed China's move to investigate Heywood's death last November, which was initially attributed to a heart attack, although it did not explicitly comment on the verdict.

Even before the hearing began state news agency Xinhua had said the evidence against Gu was "irrefutable", leading many analysts and media commentators to question whether she would be given a fair trial.

"We welcome the fact that the Chinese authorities have investigated the death of Neil Heywood, and tried those they identified as responsible," Britain's embassy in Beijing said in a statement.

"We consistently made clear to the Chinese authorities that we wanted to see the trials in this case conform to international human rights standards and for the death penalty not to be applied."

Two British diplomats attended Gu's trial -- a rare concession in China, where trials involving high-profile political figures are often held in secret.

Political analysts say leaders are eager to draw a line under the controversy, although Monday's verdict will likely shift the spotlight back to Bo, who has not been seen since April and is thought to be under house arrest.

Bo enjoyed strong public support during his tenure as party chief of the southwestern city of Chongqing for a tough anti-corruption drive, but his Maoist-style "red revival" campaign alienated moderates in the Communist party.

He also flouted convention by openly lobbying for a spot in the party's top decision-making body, the Politburo Standing Committee.

Wang Lijun, the former Chongqing police chief who first raised questions over Heywood's death, is also expected to face trial, but it remains unclear whether Bo himself will be implicated.

Sources who attended Gu's trial say that there was no reference to Bo, and a lengthy account of the trial issued by Xinhua a day after the seven-hour hearing also made no mention of him.

Xinhua said Gu invited Heywood to Chongqing for a meeting last November, plied him with wine until he became drunk and then poured cyanide mixed with water into his mouth.

The report said she acted after Heywood threatened the couple's son Bo Guagua, 24, although it did not say what the threats were. Friends of Heywood quoted by the Wall Street Journal have questioned this account, saying he was a "loyal friend" to the younger Bo.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Motorola Brings Suit Against Apple as a Google Subsidiary

Motorola Brings Suit Against Apple as a Google Subsidiary

The patent suit wars heated up a bit more on Friday as Motorola Mobility filed a suit against Apple for infringing on seven patents held by Motorola in the creation of iPad, iPhone and the iPod Touch and is seeking an import ban on those products. Thanks to TheWeazmeister for the linkage.

"We would like to settle these patent matters, but Apple?s unwillingness to work out a license leaves us little choice but to defend ourselves and our engineers? innovations."


Posted by Al 1:00 PM (DST)??


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two explosions in Tripoli, Libya, unknown number dead

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Two explosions struck the Libyan capital of Tripoli on Sunday, one near the Interior Ministry and the second near a women's police academy, a Libyan security officer told a Reuters photographer.

The officer, who was holding back people outside the academy, said that there were an unspecified number of people killed and wounded there.

The blast near the interior ministry was a car bomb but there were no casualties, the security officer said.

If the information is confirmed by Libyan officials, it would be the first time there have been deaths from blasts in Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

Violence has still been a problem despite Libya's peaceful power handover after its elections in July, the first in decades following the end of 42 years of one-man rule under Gaddafi.

(Reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Souhail Karam; Editing by Jackie Frank)


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Friday, August 17, 2012

Video Games Fun But Pose Social, Health Risks - Health Fitness ...

Move over Tickle Me Elmo. The recently released Nintendo Wii and
Playstation 3 video game systems are rivaling the giggling red monster
as the gifts children beg their parents for most this holiday season.

As coveted as these new video game systems and other models are, some parents may want to think twice before buying them for their children and teens, a University of Florida child psychologist says.

With more educational games hitting store shelves and one system, the Nintendo Wii, actually requiring players to peel themselves off the couch to use it, video game makers seem to be addressing concerns about how playing affects children. But too much gaming still puts children more at-risk for behavioral and health problems, which is why parents should consider how they will control children's playing before they buy a system, said Eric Storch, Ph.D., a UF assistant professor of pediatrics and psychiatry.

"If you're concerned it is going to be difficult to control how much your child is playing, then one recommendation would be not to tempt them," Storch said. "Don't purchase one of these systems."

Video games can be a good outlet for children who like them, but they shouldn't consume their lives, Storch added. Setting limits on playing time may help prevent casual gaming from spiraling into hours spent in front of a television screen with a controller.

Children and teens who play excessively often do so at the expense of homework, and playing solo can isolate children from their peers, potentially causing problems for them later in life, Storch said.

"Social interactions teach you how to deal with other people as well as what's appropriate and what's not," he said. "You learn how to handle situations. Social interaction is also one way of coping with stress and receiving emotional support."

Serious gamers who spend hours sitting in front of a TV also risk becoming obese and developing associated health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, Storch said. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to limit children's total TV, video game and computer time to two hours each day.

Unlike typical gaming systems, the new Nintendo Wii uses a wandlike controller that requires players to physically perform the action they want to see on-screen. The system gets users off the couch, but it's still not like playing soccer or jogging, Storch said.

On the other hand, research has shown that Dance Dance Revolution, a game that requires players to dance on a mat to mimic moves they see on their TV, elicits the same level of motion in children as other forms of exercise. But the game is a solo activity, Storch said. Dancing with friends or playing sports would get kids moving and give them a chance to spend time with peers, he said.

Although gamers lose time to participate in sports and other physical activities, video games aren't the sole reason many aren't more active, said Elizabeth Vandewater, Ph.D., an assistant professor of human development and family sciences and director of the Center for Research on Interactive Technology, Television and Children at the University of Texas. If the video games weren't there, many children would simply find something else to do inside, in part because crime and traffic increasingly hamper their ability to play outside, she said.

"Children in America are definitely less active," Vandewater said. "The question is whether (TV, computers and video games) are to blame."

Most parents know to watch out for violent and graphic video games, but even educational games may not be as beneficial as they seem in commercials. Many games that claim to be educational aren't evaluated to find out if children are actually learning from them, Vandewater said.

"Parents need to know they are being marketed to," she said.

Each family is different, so deciding whether to game is best left up to parents, Storch said. The key: Parents who do allow video games should establish limits and rules and stick with them. Those concerned about their children abiding by the limits can remove controllers or install a new swipe-card system that only allows them to play for a programmed amount of time, automatically shutting off the system when it lapses.

Another good strategy - have children do homework and play outside first, Storch said.

"There are certainly some positives to (video game playing)," Storch said. "For many kids it's really enjoyable. But moderation is the key."

University of Florida Health Science Center
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

GOP Analysis Says They've Got The 2012 Momentum, But Does It Matter?

Republicans say their voters are ready to run through walls to vote for Mitt Romney, or at the very least, vote against President Obama. Does that matter?

An analysis from Resurgent Republic, the center-right political organization that is officially non-partisan, argued that Republican excitement will give the GOP an edge in the fall. "Republican-leaning voting blocs are more enthusiastic to vote this November, which could be the deciding factor in a turnout election," Resurgent wrote, referring to the closely contested election that will put party machinery to the test. "As we head into the final campaign stretch, President Obama faces the unwelcoming reality that he must close the voter enthusiasm gap and improve his performance among key voting subgroups if he is to be successful in his bid for reelection."

Other pollsters, like the Pew Research Center, came to the same conclusion: Republicans are strongly opposed to President Obama and are just waiting to get into the voting booth.

Yet historical data from similar electoral scenarios shows the voter enthusiasm number isn't always a strong predictor. And one Democratic pollster from Sen. John Kerry's 2004 campaign went a bit further:, "Don't assume there's connection between enthusiasm and whether people are going to vote."

Gallup data from the Bush-Kerry battle showed the Democrat with a big advantage on enthusiasm at the same point in the campaign: Sixty-eight percent of Dems were "more enthusiastic about voting than usual" that July, versus 51 percent for Bush. But Bush went on to win re-election by 3 million votes, 50.7 percent to 48.3 percent.

"The numbers are true," Doug Usher, formerly of Team Kerry who now works for Purple Strategies, told TPM of current Republican analysis showing they have the edge on voter excitement. "But the question becomes two things: first, what's the historic difference there? Polls underestimate the vote versus the enthusiasm. Voter enthusiasm doesn't mean that there will be more turnout."

"Second, there's going to be a million fun-with-math analysis done on both sides," Usher said. "Obama doesn't need to get to 53 again, he can under-perform with every group and still win."

But that's exactly what Resurgent Republic is getting at in its analysis -- the numbers show that Obama is under-performing with most of the coalition he successfully put together in 2008 to take the White House:

He holds 53 percent support on the ballot among voters with household income less than $50k, down seven points from 2008. President Obama swept young voters (18-to-29-year-olds) by 66 to 32 percent in 2008, but this margin has been nearly cut in half, 53 to 35 percent. Typically a swing voting bloc in presidential elections, Catholic voters are clearly up for grabs, 47 to 47 percent.

Among subgroups that President Obama is likely to lose, he's doing so by a wider margin. The president trails among white men 61 to 30 percent, a 15 point swing compared to 2008 (57 to 41 percent). His support among white non-college educated voters is also down eight points.

But Usher noted that "Obama has some give," from his 52.9 percent to 45.7 percent victory over Republican Sen. John McCain in 2008.

"Could it [the GOP enthusiasm edge] make a difference in a turnout election? It could, but I wouldn't rest your whole campaign on that," he told TPM. "Voter enthusiasm is probably going to be an advantage for Republicans the whole way through. ...You're either going to win or you're going to lose. There's no secret poll number here."

Pew also found that while Republicans are more excited about November, their enthusiasm for Romney himself is tepid. Republican pollster Whit Ayres, one of the co-founders of Resurgent Republic, said that division within the GOP voting bloc wasn't actually a division at all.

"People answering the [enthusiasm] question know that Obama and Romney are the choices, and Republicans are significantly more enthusiastic than Democrats or independents," he told TPM in an email. "Moreover, even if voters are less enthusiastic about voting for Romney, they can be incredibly enthusiastic about voting against Obama."

And he doubled down on Resurgent's analysis.

"Take this to the bank," he said. "Republicans will turn out in higher proportions than Democrats come November."


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Instant Messaging Service Gets Even More Chatty With New iOS Voice Call Feature

imocallCross-platform messaging service has been keeping quiet lately, but the company piped up earlier this morning to reveal that its iOS app has just gotten a substantial update. When pecking out messages just doesn't cut it any more, iOS-based Imo users can now call each other over their Wi-Fi or mobile data connections. While the update is likely welcome news for the service?s nearly 700,000 daily active users, it may seem as though Imo is a bit behind the curve. The mobile messaging space is a crowded one after all, and plenty of strong competitors ? Viber, Nimbuzz, etc. ? have long since offered voice calls between users.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Video: Ryan: 'Too Big to Fail' Is a Doctrine to Watch Out For

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Shinra's Dossiers

Legend of the Five Rings

A private roleplay between DarknessUndying, X64, ShadowsOfTheNine, TechScience and ReaperGirl4. Will be made into a seperate, public version if people like the Idea.


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Legend of the Five Rings?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
"What do you need to know? I have a bestiary on the dangerous and awesome creatures!"

Sezu Shinra

"That's me! I'm a genius! What do beast do ya wanna learn about? How about the most deadly?!"


"You say that like.. Coo-arr-ll. It's really pretty, and the ones you find in Setsuri are really kind and nice! They don't fight! I have a pet cub-one at home. She's so cute!

A mystic fiend rarely seen hostile. Surprisingly, it wields magic of the four primary elements. Beware its greatest attack, Blaster, 'cause it'll kill you really quickly!"


"It's pretty big and scary! And that one isn't even fully grown! Ahahah..

Sometimes called the strongest fiend in Atonia. Its powerful punches and lightning magic are formidable. However, it's still young and has yet to reach full strength. Once it's all grown up, it's called a Humbaba. And that's terrifying."


"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Not fighting that! I'm outta here!

A fiend among fiends, the second strongest in Spira, underneath Katar. Though its attacks are fearsome, the true peril follows its fall in battle, where it causes meteors to fall! Please, don't let me get crushed."

"That's all for now! Check back later! Haha!"

This weatherman is predicting a 99% chance of shitstorm and it's comin' right at you! ~ Romano

"You know, a girl once told me that she was full of love for I checked. All I found was her disgusting insides." X64's Character, Derrick Blackthorne

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Obama Needs a Jobs Plan and Romney Needs an Experienced VP

With three months to go before the election, Yahoo! News asked a handful of undecided voters how they're leaning in the presidential race. Here's a perspective from one voter.


The first step in dealing with any problem is to admit there is one. Neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney seems aware, at least publicly, of their problems.

In order to woo undecided voters like me, each candidate needs to overcome a serious weakness. Pitching a jobs plan that can get through a Republican Congress will help Obama, just as adding someone to the ticket with international diplomacy skills is a must for Romney, something more important than the person's race, ethnicity, gender, or how many Electoral College votes the choice might bring in.

To this undecided voter's eyes, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had a forgettable month of July.

With the July jobs report, unemployment barely budged again, which represents several months of flat labor growth. And, to me, Obama doesn't seem as troubled as he should be. As effective as arguments about Bain and Romney's taxes have been for the president, he is risking a lot by not telling us what he'll do during his next four years.

If Congress is stonewalling him, how can President Obama reach out and compromise with Republicans? If the Senate goes to the GOP as well (a likely prospect), he'll need to show that he can do this over the next two to four years, if he wins re-election.

For Romney, it was an even more troubling July. Despite raising tons of campaign cash, he had an awful international visit in what was an easy assignment: travel to America's allies and show he can handle simple foreign affairs. Insulting his British hosts, dumping on Palestinian culture and an awkward time with Poland's Solidarity movement all prove that Romney is an undiplomatic character.

As a voter, I worry: What's going to happen when there's a tougher foreign policy test, like negotiating with China over economics, Russia over weapons, or building an international coalition to deal with Syria or Iran's nuclear weapons? How will he handle a European monetary zone collapse, or work with Asian allies on a belligerent North Korea? America has been at its best when it worked with others.

Romney needs someone on the ticket that knows a lot about foreign policy. People including this author have suggested Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, but conservatives have already indicated they'll block her nomination as vice president.

Perhaps a better vice-president choice would be Rob Portman, someone I've mentioned as a better choice. In addition to negotiation expertise as a former U.S. trade representative, Portman has legislative experience, something Romney lacks. Being from Ohio doesn't hurt him either.

John A. Tures, 41, is an associate professor of political science at LaGrange College in LaGrange, Ga.


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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

NASA rover sends first photos from Mars - Personal Finance ...

From: Yahoo! News: Personal Finance News - 9:00pm - August 6, 2012

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity snapped this picture of Mount Sharp with its front Hazard Avoidance camera, or Hazcam. The photo was released by NASA on Aug. 6, 2012.

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Air India to seek compensation from Boeing

Air India

While AI had sought $700 million-$ 800 million as compensation for the over three-year-delay, Boeing said earlier that it wasn't writing anyone a $500 million cheque.

NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands Safely on Mars

News | Space

The elaborate landing of the $2.5-billion mission went off without apparent incident

FIRST LIGHT: One of Curiosity's first images of Mars. Image: NASA

The seven minutes of terror are over.

NASA's Curiosity rover touched down safely on the surface of Mars early Monday morning, Eastern Daylight Time, sticking the landing in what had been one of the most anticipated?and feared?arrivals in the history of robotic planetary exploration.

The 900-kilogram rover autonomously navigated its landing sequence, slowing from 21,000 kilometers per hour at the top of the atmosphere to a dead stop on the surface, with nary an apparent hitch. The elaborate process, which involved a detachable heat shield, a supersonic parachute and finally a hovering sky crane that lowered the rover to the surface, had been branded the "seven minutes of terror" in a NASA video released in June. In the end, based on preliminary data at least, the fears were for naught.

"It looked good, in short," said entry, descent and landing engineer Adam Steltzner in a post-landing news conference. "Good and clean."

The data from the descending rover were relayed to Earth by the Mars Odyssey orbiter, which passed nearby as Curiosity executed its landing sequence. On NASA TV Steltzner could be seen pacing in front of his workstation in the control room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). But each successive step of the landing sequence passed by without incident, and finally a mission controller announced words that caused the room to erupt in cheers: "Touchdown confirmed. We are safe on Mars."

Within minutes Curiosity relayed its first images of the Red Planet, beaming back a low-resolution shot of one of its six wheels. A higher-resolution version followed, along with a photograph of the rover's own shadow cast across the Martian soil.

In a nearly two-year, $2.5-billion mission, the rover will explore Gale Crater, a basin with a towering mound of sedimentary layers. The mission should help determine what Mars was like during an earlier, wetter era billions of years ago, and whether the planet could have once been hospitable to extraterrestrial life.

The three-meter-long, two-meter-tall rover comes equipped with 10 science instruments, including an onboard sample analysis unit for assessing the chemistry of rock and soil samples and a laser that can vaporize small regions of rocks several meters away to analyze their composition. Curiosity's unprecedented science payload draws its power from a radioisotope thermoelectric generator, a 4.8-kilogram plutonium fuel source whose radioactive decay provides heat, which devices called themocouples convert to about 110 watts of electricity.

"Nobody has ever done anything like this," John Holdren, the White House science adviser, told NASA TV. "This is by far the most capable device, set of instruments, we've put up there for determining whether Mars ever could have supported life."

Nobody had ever attempted anything like the sky crane?enabled landing, either. But some saw good omens, even before the seven minutes of terror had begun. At the post-landing news conference, JPL Director Charles Elachi said he had stepped outside to look at Mars in the evening sky shortly before the landing sequence commenced. "In an hour and a half, you're going to have a visitor," Elachi said as he gazed to the west, he recalled. "And the planet smiled."


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Friday, August 3, 2012

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

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More men with prostate cancer "team" wait on treatment | Cancer Kick

Recent studies have suggested that for men who have low-risk cancers, active surveillance ? which means bringing the patient back for regular checks but not operating immediately ? may be just as effective as going straight to prostate surgery or radiation treatment following a diagnosis (see this Reuters Health story of July 18, 2012

That approach also means patients often avoid the side effects, such as incontinence and impotence, as well as the hefty price tags of unnecessary treatment. Prostate surgery, for instance, typically runs about $13,000.

?For most older men who have low-risk disease, the treatment is not going to change the outcome that we all think about, which is living the rest of their life without being harmed by prostate cancer,? said Dr. H. Ballentine Carter, a urologist from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, who wasn?t involved in the new research.

About 240,000 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012, according to the American Cancer Society. More than half of them will have low-risk cancers, which are slow growing and often don?t affect how long a man will live or cause him serious symptoms.

Still, more than nine in 10 men with prostate cancer opt for treatment including surgery or radiation, researchers noted in the new study, published Monday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

?Many patients who are diagnosed with cancer are over-diagnosed, which means they?re found to have something that doesn?t really pose a threat to their life,? said Dr. Laurence Klotz, head of urology at the Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto.

Up to half of all newly-diagnosed prostate cancer patients are candidates for active surveillance, Klotz, who also didn?t work on the new study, told Reuters Health.

?The multidisciplinary groups tend to enhance the degree to which a balanced view is presented to the patient,? Klotz added.

In contrast, urologists seeing a patient alone may recommend the procedure they know best ? prostate surgery ? whereas radiologists might push for radiation, researchers said.

For the new study, Dr. Jason Efstathiou from Massachusetts General Hospital and his colleagues analyzed treatment choices made by 701 men with low-risk prostate cancer seen at hospitals in Boston.

About one-third of them worked with multidisciplinary teams of doctors, and 43 percent of those patients ended up opting for active surveillance over immediate surgery or radiation. That compared to 22 percent of the men who saw individual practitioners and decided to go with a more conservative approach.

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